Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A quick history of this page. Originally created when the excuse 'a honey badger stopped me from getting to work' by a colleague i took creative license i drew up the image which i am now using as my background, i file i can no longer access because, unbeknownst to me, it was 17000 x 12000 pixels big and 1.3gb in size. I'm unable to even open it (unhappy sad face) and then i decided to expand on the meeting of the Honey Badger and Winnie the Pooh and gang and explain how the Honey Badger came to track down Winnie the Pooh and why Winnie the Pooh is sitting in a mansion in a kingly way. From this i have added and added until i finally decided to make the series a blog and so i will be posting the pages as i make them, probably a page a week and let the story grow in what ever strange and fun way i can think up. Hope all enjoy, Ben

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